wiz care
The wizard that helps you make the most of your "golden age "
Holistic Assisted Living in your home
Combined with a variety of community and social services
If you recently found yourself facing the challenges that come with
the golden age, such as:
How do we handle daily life chores?
How do we overcome the natural limitations that come with age?
How do we deal with the loss of a beloved spouse?
Who are we going to call when we need assistance?
How do we reduce the burden on family members?
What is the best way to preserve our independence and our ability to choose?
In recent years, while taking care of our parents and relatives, we
have witnessed their struggles to cope with the challenges of
getting older. As experienced entrepreneurs in the Service and
Technology markets, we first conducted an in-depth research study
on the subject in Israel and abroad over several years. We then
mapped out the main concerns and desires of this population - the
fear of loneliness, the fear of a meaningless future, the fear of
becoming a burden to our loved ones, as well as the reluctance to
leave the comfort of one’s familiar physical & social environment
(i.e. one’s home).
We assumed the challenge of addressing each of these concerns in
an integrated fashion. We believe that we have developed a
personalized solution suitable for a wide range of people from the
senior population at a reasonable cost, which provides them with
full control and transparency.
Demonstrating sleep problem
We called it Wiz-Care because it is a kind of friendly wizard that
takes care of the wellbeing and welfare of the customer through a
winning combination of technology and skilled staff. Wiz-Care
understands the customer in depth and knows all the solutions and
activities in the customer's living environment. This knowledge
enables it to bring together the most accurate and sensitive match
between the customer's needs, desires and dreams, and those
activities and services accessible in his/her community. All is done
in order to maximize the possibility of our customers to enjoy their independence and ability to choose from among the many services
that now exist for the senior population.
And the team? We have gathered and continue to gather the very
best employees, cherry picking them not merely by their professional and technological qualifications, but rather first and
foremost by their human virtues. Our team is comprised of
high-quality reliable people, with a warm heart, joy of life and love
of people.
From our point of view, this solution provides much more than a
prestigious Assisted Living Facility because it is personal customized solution that enables one to continue to enjoy the comforts of one’s own home.